Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Election time is near......

With the election nearing with every minute that passes the question must be asked "Who will be our new Taoiseach?" and better yet "Will they be any better than the last?" Little else has featured so prominantly in the media over the last few weeks and I must admit I will be happy once the election is over....at least then all the fighting, sniping and mud-slinging in the press will be over.

A poll on the Irish Independant website today showed the ranking of parties in the polls:

Election 2011

Tuesday February 22 2011
Which party will get your first preference?
  • Fine Gael 40% Yes
  • Fianna Fail 14% Yes
  • Labour 16% Yes
  • Sinn Fein 13% Yes
  • Green Party 2% Yes
  • Other 7% Yes
  • Undecided 8% Yes
If we are to belive these, then it would be clear that Enda Kenny will be our next Taoiseach but  can these pre election day polls be deceiving?...Only time will tell!!


  1. Hopefully this government will be better than the last. What we need is fresh hands and new ideas if we are to get out of this trouble.

  2. Couldn't agree more with you, things can only get better with a new government.

  3. As a Fianna Fail supporter I can't help but disagree with the both of you. What can Fine Geil and Labour do to make things any better?

  4. I know they won't be able to fix the country in a few weeks but I have faith that what this country needs is enthusiasm from our leaders.

  5. I agree with you Sinead. How can we improve as a nation with the same people in power making the same mistakes once again?
