There are three letters that transport me straight back to my leaving cert, 4 years ago...CAO. The stress, the panic and the incomprehansible feeling of finality come flooding back to me, I just wish that back then someone would have told me that it was not the end of the world, that the decisions I made at that time in my life although important were not the be all and end all.
Year after year the CAO deadline approaches and nervous students prepare to make that decision which they feel will shape the rest of their lives. Yet again that date is approaching and it signals to leaving cert students that their exams are fast approaching as seen in the clip from RTE news today below:
I can't help but feel that I am in the exact same situation now as I was 4 years ago trying to make up my mind about what college course to study except now I am trying to decide what to do when I finish college.
If I was to give any piece of advice to students filling out their CAO today, it would be not to stress over it. Although we feel at the time that it is the biggest decision we will ever make, it is simply not true. We will be making decisions until the day we die be it big, small, professional or personal and although the CAO is important, far greater decisions will be made during the course of our lives.